Intense Pulsed Light, also known as IPL. It uses intense wavelengths of light to target a specific area of the skin.
Light energy from IPL is absorbed by the melanin in the hair, which then turns to heat and destroys the hair cells.
Quick Answer: As few as 3 to 4 successive session (once a week back-to-back) alone can start to show the hair thinning. Completely hair-free skin can be achieved in as few as 10-16 weeks (although this varies person to person).
Detailed Answer: Even after one treatment, if you have not shaved fully (which is advisable prior to using the Pulsar) and some hair is still visible, you may notice wilting of hair and it may have a frazzled look. Successive uses, with maximum of once a week usage, will make the hair fall out between your third or fourth session (or earlier in some cases). However, for lasting results continued usage is recommended since the Pulsar's Intense Pulse Light technology targets melanin in the hair root follicle and thus requires usage over extended period for results to be lasting.
Lasoft uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology and use it to apply very gentle pulses of light to the hair root. Melanin in your skin helps targeted hairs absorb the light from these gentle pulses of light. This makes hairs on your skin go into resting phase which makes hairs fall out, and over time, your body stop growing hair in that area.
In just 4 treatments (once a week, for the first month), you can observe a 92% reduction in hair growth. Allow 12 to 16 successive sessions to see lasting results.
We recommend using your handset once a week for the first 12 weeks. After this period use your handset once a month, for 3 months or until satisfied. To maintain hairless smooth skin, use your handset once every 2 to 3 months, or as needed. There is no need to use it more than once a week, as IPL is only effective in the growing phase of your hair cycle.
Body hair colors treatable by Lasoft:
Skin tones that can be used with Lasoft:
Simple Answer: Lasoft's IPL technology allow treatment to be pain-free!
Detailed Answer: It is recommended that higher intensity settings be used for lighter skin types and lower skin settings be used for darker skin types. Therefore, when used with the right setting, the only sensation that a user might feel is slight warmth in the area that has just been flashed. Once an area has been flashed using Lasoft, avoid flashing the same area repeatedly.
Please note that since Lasoft uses IPL technology, as is the case with all IPL devices, it cannot be used on broken/irritate skin, areas that are infection, areas that have been burns, on moles or tattoos.
Lasoft is a full-body device and can be used to all over your body. including your face, bikini line, legs & underarms.
Note: It is not recommended that the Pulsar not be used near the eyes since scattering of Intense Pulsed Light very close to the eyes can have adverse effects, and thus exercising caution is advisable.
You can do a quick session through Auto mode, which appears as "⁂" in the screen. It automatically flashes when touches the targeted area. It is used for large areas such as; legs, back, arms, and abdomen.
Manual mode, which appears as " ⁙" in the screen, is suitable for smaller areas such as face, upper lip, armpits, and bikini.
Switching between modes can be done easily with the flashes button.
Yes, it is recommended and advisable to do so.
Lasoft is company founded on ethical principles that puts our customers' well-being (and that of our employees), health and safety over all other ideal. As such, while the IPL technology in Lasoft, by definition, is safe for home-use, we do not believe in taking chances with one's health and provide safety glasses with every device.
Our handsets are not cordless, and will need to be plugged into the power supply at all times of use. Our handsets come with a 12V/3A power supply.
Between treatments you should only shave when required. You should never wax, pluck, or epilate as these hair removal methods remove the entire root, which is what absorbs the light during the treatment.
Advice: We recommend shaving before treatment for at least 24 hours.
Yes, you can share your handset with anyone but put in your mind that flash pulses will be ended quickly. Hygiene should be done regularly, and intensity levels must be changed from one user to another.
Although there is no evidence showing that IPL has negative effects on pregnant or breastfeeding women, we still don’t recommend using our handset as a safety precaution.
No. For the safety of your skin you will need to wait at least 2 weeks after intentionally sun tanning to ensure that your skin has resumed back to a healthy state and is not sun damaged. If you are sunburnt, do not use your IPL handset as you may experience an adverse reaction.
You should not IPL over very dark freckles or moles and over tattoos, however light freckles are fine. The light energy will be more attracted to the pigments in the skin, rather than the melanin in the hair which can cause a reaction in the skin and blister. You should always go around your tattoos.
IPL can definitely be used on hormonal hair growth, and has proven to be quite effective. Most PCOS customers have said this makes the hormonal hair regrowth more manageable as it doesn’t regrow as quickly. It also assists with minimizing the appearance of shaver rash as you will not need to shave it as often.
We advise that users of our handsets are 16 and older.
Yes, this is completely normal. As the light energy is heating the hair, you may smell a slight burning but this just means there may be some hairs that have not been shaved. Please ensure that you have prepped the skin correctly, and that the skin is completely shaved before starting your session for at least 24 hours.
Cleaning of the handset is advised after each use. You can use an alcohol wipe, or any antibacterial product to clean down the handset and the light window after treatment. Ensure your handset is powered off, and not plugged in before doing so. You should then store the handset in a cool, dry place after use (once the handset is completely dry).
Yes, all lasoft handset come with 12 month warranty, and 24 months warranty for the lasoft pro for men and women devices only. It covers any manufacturer faults.
If you are having any issues regarding your handset, please contact us HERE
If you still have any queries, please contact us HERE